As a host, can I choose who I want as guests?
The intent of the website is to introduce you to RVers with similar interests as yours. It is totally up to you who you wish to accept or decline. When you ...
Sun, 19 Sep, 2021 at 10:01 PM
I declined a request but have changed my mind. How do I change it to accepted now?
You can send a message in the thread for the request inviting the guest to resubmit the request, they will be able to do so and then you can accept the new ...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:20 AM
As a host, am I expected to socialize?
The bare minimum that guests expect is a free place to park for the night.  RVers are used to being self-sufficient so please don't feel you need to do ...
Sun, 19 Sep, 2021 at 9:59 PM
Is it a security risk to have my host location listed online?
All host sites show up as a generalized random location within a few miles of the actual address. No exact addresses or directions are revealed. These are s...
Sun, 19 Sep, 2021 at 9:58 PM
Where can I find references that are left for me?
They appear on the bottom of your public profile page so that other member can read them there. 
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:18 AM
How do you handle complaints against a member?
We take all complaints seriously and will cancel website privileges, if necessary.  For the first complaint, we will make a note. For the second complaint, ...
Sun, 19 Sep, 2021 at 9:57 PM
Having trouble uploading a photo.
We're happy to help. Contact us and we'll let you send your photos as an email attachment and upload them for you. 
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:14 AM
Why should I create a user name?
A username gives you an extra level of security, making sure that any details you reveal about yourself on the site can't be traced back to you and used...
Sun, 19 Sep, 2021 at 9:52 PM
How much do I need to pay for hookups?
Hosts only offer free parking (boondocking). If they provide hookups, they are incurring a cost for your stay. It is a required common courtesy that you off...
Sun, 19 Sep, 2021 at 9:49 PM
Does RV length include the tow vehicle?
Hosts welcome different types of RVs. The stipulated maximum length refers to the space designated for the RV itself. Your tow vehicle may need to be unhitc...
Sun, 19 Sep, 2021 at 9:43 PM