In order to request a stay with a Host, you will need to complete your user profile information, your rig information, and you will also need to upload a picture of your RV. 

1. User Profile 
To access your user profile, please click "Manage Membership" from the "Membership" drop down menu.  
From here, click on "Member Profile." This will allow you will be able to upload a profile picture and edit your username, your age range, and your "About You" section. You can watch a short video on how to complete this here:


2. Rig Details and Travel Preferences While in the Manage Membership section of your user dashboard, select "Rig Details and Travel Preferences." Here you can update your rig type, your length, your rig details, and include all of your travel preferences. You can watch a short video on how to complete this here:


3. Rig Photo 
While in the Manage Membership section of your dashboard, select "Rig Photos" on the left hand side of the screen.  You can drop files into the box, or select "Browse Files" to access images on your device or computer. If you need to delete any rig photos, please select the blue trash can.  You can view a short video on how to do that here:

Once you have these complete, you will be able to request stays with our Hosts!