If you've listed as a host yourself, you're able to "pay it forward". You may even get the opportunity to reciprocate their hospitality when they travel to your region.

Whether or not you're a host yourself, a thoughtful thank you card, a small gift, or other gesture of kindness is appropriate. 

Many hosts have told us they are more interested in a personal gesture than more "stuff".  A written thank you card, a Starbucks or Tim Horton's gift card, a copy of your favorite recipe, a jar of jam, a plate of homemade cookies, a bottle of wine are all examples of gifts some guests have told us about. We leave it to your imagination. 

Most importantly, when your stay is complete, you'll be prompted by the system to confirm that it happened. When you do this, they will be rewarded with credits for guest privileges for their own travels. Also, don't neglect to post a review for them!

If you've used electric or other hookups during your visit, you will also need to offer to compensate your host for any costs. Not all hosts will accept payment but they do expect you to offer and always appreciate it.